Mayur Rele

Mayur Rele, cyber security expert and cloud automation leader, has extensive experience in overseeing global technology, security, and cloud infrastructure in healthcare, e-commerce, and technology companies.

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Thursday May 26, 2022

In computer science, there are numerous job opportunities, including software engineering, cybersecurity, full-stack developer, mobile app developer, data science, and others. However, if you want something more original and appealing, go here:

Wednesday May 25, 2022

Data science will continue to be shaped by the advancement in technology and innovations that make it more productive. With the use of new technology, it will be able to more informed decisions in real-time causing a great impact on the business environments. Read more:

Wednesday May 04, 2022

The schools lockdown during pandemic have further buttressed the importance of artificial intelligence in education. During and after Covid 19, different schools are turning to AI in addressing the crisis and also to catch up with what has been missed during those lockdowns. Read more:

Monday Apr 04, 2022

Cyberattacks such as phishing and hacking affect the majority of people. To defraud the victim, the perpetrators took on the identities of the victim's family. Most of the time, the assailants fabricate terrifying lies about the victim's family. In a panicked state, the victim will do anything the assailant asks and will lose his money. Read more:

DevOps Soft Skills

Monday Mar 28, 2022

Monday Mar 28, 2022

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022


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